Obédience : NC | Loge : NC | Date : NC |
Regulation of a Free-Mason
as contained in Anderson's Constitutions of the Freemasons, published 1723 ![]() Compiled first by Mr. George Payne, Anno 1720,
when he was Grand Master,
and approv’d by the Grand Lodge on St. John Baptist's Day,
Anno 1721; at
Stationer's Hall, London; when the most noble Prince John, Duke of
Montagu, was
unanimously chosen our Grand Master for the Year ensuing; who chose,
John Beal,
M.D., his Deputy Grand Master: And were chosen by the Lodge [as] Grand
Wardens: Mr. Josiah Villeneau, And now, by the Command of our said Right
Worshipful Grand Master
Montagu, the Author of this Book has compar’d them with, and
reduc’d them to
the ancient Records and immemorial Usage of the Fraternity, and
digested them
into this new Method with several proper Explications for the use of
the Lodges
in and about Westminster. I. The Grand Master or his Deputy hath
Authority and Right not only to
be present in any true Lodge, but also to preside wherever he is, with
Master of the Lodge on his Left Hand, an to order his Grand Wardens to
him, who are not to act in particular Lodges as Wardens, but in his
and at his Command: because there the Grand Master may command the
Wardens of
that Lodge, or any other Brethren he pleaseth, to attend and act as his
pro tempore. II. The Master of a particular Lodge, has the
right and authority of
congregating the Members of his Lodge into a Chapter at Pleasure, upon
Emergency or Occurrence as well as to appoint the Time and Place of
their usual
forming: And in Case of Sickness Death, or necessary Absence of the
Master, the
Senior Warden shall act as Master pro tempore, if no Brother is present
who has
been Master of that Lodge before; for in that Case the absent Master's
Authority reverts to the last Master then present; though he cannot act
the Senior Warden has once congregated the Lodge or in his Absence the
Warden. III. The Master of each particular Lodge, or
one of the Wardens, or some
other Brother by his Order, shall keep a Book containing their By-Laws,
Names of their Members, with a list of all the Lodges in Town, and the
Times and places of their forming, and all their Transactions that are
to be written IV. No Lodge shall make more than Five new
Brethren at one Time, nor any
Man under the Age of Twenty-five, who must be also his own Master;
unless by a
Dispensation from the Grand Master or his Deputy. V. No man can be made or admitted a Member of a
particular Lodge,
without previous Notice one Month before given to the said Lodge, in
order to
make due Inquiry into the Reputation and Capacity of the Candidate;
unless by
the Dispensation aforesaid. VI. But no man can enter’d a Brother
in any particular Lodge, or
admitted to be a Member thereof, without the unanimous Consent of all
Members of that Lodge then present when the Candidate is propos'd, and
Consent is formally ask’d by the Master; and they are to
signify their Consent
or Dissent in their own Prudent Way, either virtually or in form, but
Unanimity: Nor is this inherent Privilege subject to a Dispensation;
the Members of a particular Lodge are the best Judges of it; and if a
Member should be impos'd on them, it might spoil their Harmony, or
hinder their
Freedom; or even break and disperse the Lodge, which ought to be
avoided by all
good and true Brethren. VII. Every new Brother at his making is
recently to cloath the Lodge,
that is, all the Brethren present, and to deposit something for the
Relief of
indigent and decay'd Brethren, as the Candidate shall think fit to
bestow, over
and above the small allowance stated by the By-Laws of that particular
which Charity shall be lodg’d with the Master or Wardens, or
the Cashier, if
the Members see fit to chuse one. And the Candidate shall also solemnly promise
to submit to the
Constitution, the Charges and Regulations, and to such other good
Usages as shall
be intimated to them in Time and Place convenient. VIII. No set or Number of Brethren shall
withdraw or separate themselves
from the Lodge in which they were made Brethren, or were afterwards
Members, unless the Lodge becomes too numerous; nor even then, without
Dispensation from the Grand Master or his Deputy; and when they are
separated, they must either immediately join themselves to such other
Lodge as
they shall like best, with the unanimous Consent of that other Lodge to
they go (as above regulated), or else they must obtain the Grand
Warrant to join in forming a new Lodge. If any set or Number of Masons shall take upon
themselves to form a
Lodge without the Grand Master's Warrant, the regular Lodges are not to
them, or own them as fair brethren and duly form'd, nor approve of
their Acts
and Deeds; but must treat them as Rebels, until they humble themselves,
as the
Grand Master, shall, in his Prudence, direct, and until he approve of
them by
his Warrant, which must be signified to the other Lodges, as the Custom
is when
a new Lodge is to be registered in the List of Lodges. IX. But if any Brother so far misbehave himself
as to render his Lodge
uneasy, he shall be twice duly admonished by the Master or Wardens in a
Lodge; and if he will not refrain his Imprudence, and obediently submit
to the
Advice of the Brethren, and reform what gives them Offense, he shall be
with according to the By-Laws of that particular Lodge, or else in such
manner as the Quarterly Communication shall in their great prudence
think fit;
for which a new Regulation may be afterward made. X. The Majority of every particular Lodge, when
congregated, shall have
the Privilege of giving Instructions to their Masters and Wardens
before the
assembling of the Grand Chapter or Lodge, at the three Quarterly
hereafter mention'd and of the annual Grand Lodge, too; because their
and Wardens are their Representatives, and are supposed to speak their
mind. XI. All particular Lodges are to observe the
same usages as much as
possible; in order to which, and for cultivating a good Understanding
Free-Masons, some members out of every Lodge shall be deputed to visit
other Lodges as often as shall be thought convenient. XII. The Grand Lodge consists of, and is form'd
by, the Masters and
Wardens of all the regular particular Lodges upon Record, with the
Grand Master
at their Head, and his Deputy on his Left hand, and the Grand Wardens
in their
proper places; and must have a Quarterly Communication about
Christmas and Lady Day, in some convenient Place, as the Grand Master
appoint, where no Brother shall be present, who is not at that time a
thereof, without a Dispensation; and while he stays, he shall not be
allow'd to
vote, nor even given his Opinion without Leave of the Grand Lodge
ask’d and
given, or unless it be duly ask’d by the said Lodge. All matters are to be determined in the Grand
Lodge by a Majority of
Votes, each member having one Vote, and the Grand Master having two
unless the said Lodge leave any particular thing to the Determination
of the
Grand Master for the sake of Expedition. XIII. At the said Quarterly Communication all
Masters that concern the
Fraternity in general, or particular Lodges, or single Brethren, are
sedately and maturely to be discoursed and transacted; Apprentices must
admitted Masters and Fellow-Craft only here, unless by a Dispensation.
also all differences, that cannot be made up and accommodated
privately, nor by
a particular Lodge, are to be seriously considered and decided: And if
Brother thinks himself aggrieved by the Decision of this Board, he may
to the annual Grand Lodge next ensuing, and leave his Appeal in Writing
the Grand Master, or his Deputy, or the Grand Wardens. Here also the Master or the Wardens of each
particular Lodge shall bring
and produce a List of such Members as have been made or even admitted
in their
particular Lodges since the last Communication of the Grand Lodge. And
shall be a book kept by the Grand Master, or his Deputy, or rather by
Brother whom the Grand Lodge shall appoint for Secretary, wherein shall
recorded all the Lodges, with their usual Times and Places of forming,
and the
Names of all the Members of each Lodge; and all the Affairs of the
Grand Lodge
that are proper to be written. They shall also consider of the most prudent
and effectual Methods of
collecting and disposing of what Money shall be given to, or Lodged
with them
in Charity, towards the Relief only of any true Brother fallen into
poverty or
Decay, but of none else. But every particular Lodge shall dispose of
their own
Charity for poor Brethren, according to their own By-Laws, until it be
by all the Lodges (in a new Regulation) to carry in the Charity
collection by
them to the Grand Lodge, at the Quarterly or Annual Communication, in
order to
make a common Stock of it, for the more handsome Relief of poor
Brethren. They shall appoint a Treasurer, a Brother of
good worldly Substance, who
shall be a Member of the Grand Lodge by virtue of his Office, and shall
always present, and have Power to move to the Grand Lodge anything,
what concerns his Office. To him shall be committed all Money rais'd
Charity, or for any other Use of the Grand Lodge, which he shall write
down in
a book, with the respective Ends and Uses for which the several Sums
intended; and shall expend or disburse the same by such a certain Order
as the Grand Lodge shall afterwards agree to in a new Regulation: But
he shall
not vote in chusing a Grand Master or Wardens, though in every other
Transaction. As in like manner the Secretary shall be a Member of the
Lodge by virtue of his Office, and vote in everything except in chusing
a Grand
Master or Wardens. The Treasurer and Secretary shall have each a
Clerk, who must be a
Brother and Fellow-Craft, but never must be a member of the Grand
Lodge, nor
speak without being allow'd or desir’d. The Grand Master or his Deputy, shall always
command the Treasurer and
Secretary, with their Clerks and Books in order to see how Matters go
on, and
to know what is expedient to be done upon any emergent Occasion. Another Brother (who must be a Fellow-Craft)
should be appointed to look
after the Door of the Grand Lodge; but shall be no member of it. But these Officers may be farther explain'd by
a new Regulation, when
the Necessity and Expediency of them may more appear than at present to
Fraternity. XIV. If at any Grand Lodge, stated or
occasional, quarterly or annual,
the Grand Master and his Deputy should be both absent, then the present
of a Lodge, that has been the longest a Free Mason, shall take the
Chair, and
preside as Grand Master pro tempore; and shall be vested with all his
Power and
Honour for the time; provided there is no Brother present that has been
Master formerly, or Deputy Grand Master; for the last Grand Master
present, or
else the last Deputy present, should always of right take place in the
of the present Grand Master and his Deputy. XV. In the Grand Lodge none can act as Wardens
but the Grand Wardens
themselves, if present; and if absent, the Grand Master, or the Person
presides in his place, shall order private Wardens to act as Grand
Wardens pro
tempore, whose Places are to be suppli’d by two Fellow-Craft
of the same Lodge,
call’d forth to act, or sent thither by the particular Master
thereof; or if by
him omitted, then they shall be call’d by the Grand Master,
that so the Grand
Lodge may be always complete. XVI. The Grand Wardens, or any others, are
first to advise with the
Deputy about the Affairs of the Lodge or of the Brethren, and not to
apply to
the Grand Master without the knowledge of the Deputy, unless he refuse
Concurrence in any certain necessary affair; in which Case, or in case
of any
Difference between the Deputy and the Grand Wardens or other Brethren
parties are to go by Concert to the Grand Master, who can easily decide
Controversy and make up the Difference by virtue of his great
Authority. The Grand Master should receive no Intimation
of Business concerning
Masonry, but from his Deputy first, except in such certain Cases as his
can well judge of; for if the Application the Grand Master be
irregular, he can
easily order the Grand Wardens or any other Brethren thus applying, to
upon his Deputy, who is to prepare the Business speedily, and to lay it
before his Worship. XVII. No Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master,
Grand Wardens, Treasurer,
Secretary, or whoever acts for them, or in their stead pro tempore, can
at the
same time be the Master or Warden of a particular Lodge; but as soon as
any of
them has honorably discharg’d his Grand Office, he returns to
that post or station
in his particular Lodge, from which he was call’d to
officiate above. XVIII. If the Deputy Grand Master be sick, or
necessarily absent, the
Grand Master may chuse any Fellow-Craft he pleases to be his Deputy pro
tempore: But he that is chosen Deputy at the Grand Lodge, and the Grand
Wardens, too, cannot be discharged without the Cause fairly appear to
Majority of the Grand Lodge; and the Grand Master, if he is uneasy, may
call a
Grand Lodge on purpose to lay the Case before them, and to have their
and Concurrence. In which case the Majority of the Grand Lodge, if they
reconcile the Master and his Deputy or his Wardens, are to concur in
the Master to discharge his said Deputy or his said Wardens, and to
another Deputy immediately; and the said Grand Lodge shall chuse other
in that Case, that Harmony and Peace may be preserved. XIX. If the Grand Master should abuse his
Power, and render himself
unworthy of the Obedience and Subjection of the Lodges, he shall be
treated in
a way and manner to be agreed upon in a new Regulation; because
hitherto the
ancient Fraternity have had no occasion for it, their former Grand
having all behaved themselves worthy of that honorable Office. XX. The Grand Master, with his Deputy and
Wardens, shall (at least once)
go around and visit all the Lodges about Town during his Mastership. XXI. If the Grand Master die during his
Mastership, or by Sickness, or
by Being beyond Sea, or any other way should be render’d
uncapable of discharging
his Office, the Deputy, in his Absence, the Senior Grand Warden, or in
Absence, the Junior, or in his Absence any three present Masters of
shall join to congregate the Grand Lodge immediately, to advise
together upon
that Emergency, and to send two of their Number to invite the last
Grand Master
to resume his office, which now in course reverts to him; or if he
refuse, then
the next last, and so backward: But if no former Grand Master can be
then the Deputy shall act as Principal until another is chosen; or if
there be
no Deputy, then the oldest Master. XXII. The Brethren of all the Lodges in and
about London and
Westminster, shall meet at an Annual Communication and Feast, in some
convenient place, on St. John Baptist's Day, or else on St. John
Day, as the Grand Lodge shall think fit by a new Regulation, having of
Years met on St. John Baptist's Day. Provided, The Majority of the
Masters and
Wardens with the Grand Master, his Deputy and Wardens, agree at their
Communication, three months before, that there shall be a Feast, and a
Communication of all Brethren: For if either the Grand Master, or the
of the particular Masters, are against it, it must be dropt for that
Time. But whether there shall be a Feast for all the
Brethren, or not, yet the
Grand Lodge must meet in some convenient Place annually on St. John's
Day; or
if it be Sunday, then on the next Day, in order to chuse every Year a
new Grand
Master, Deputy and Warden. XXIII. If it be thought expedient, and the
Grand Master, with the
Majority of the Masters and Wardens, agree to hold a Grand Feast
according to
the ancient laudable Custom of Masons, then the Grand Wardens shall
have the
care of preparing the Tickets, seal’d with the Grand Master's
Seal, of
disposing of the Tickets, of receiving the money for the Tickets, of
buying the
Materials of the Feast, of finding out a proper and convenient Place to
in; and of every other thing that concerns the Entertainment. But that the Work may not be too burthensome to
the two Grand Wardens,
and that all Matters may be expeditiously and safely managed, the Grand
or his Deputy shall have power to nominate and appoint a certain Number
Stewards, as his Worship shall think fit, to act in concert with the
two Grand
Wardens; all things relating to the Feast being decided among them by a
Majority of Voices; except the Grand Master or his Deputy interpose by
particular Direction of Appointment. XXIV. The Wardens and Stewards shall, in due
time, wait upon the Grand
Master or his Deputy for Directions and Orders about the Premises; but
if his
Worship and his Deputy are sick, or necessarily absent, they shall call
together the Masters and Wardens of Lodges to meet on purpose for their
and Orders; or else they may take the Matter wholly upon themselves and
do the
best they can. The Grand Wardens and the Stewards are to
account for all the Money they
receive, or expend, to the Grand Lodge, after dinner, or when the Grand
shall think fit to receive their Accounts. If the Grand Master pleases, he may in due time
summons all the Masters
and Wardens of Lodges to consult with them about ordering the Grand
Feast, and
about any Emergency or accidental thing relating thereunto, that may
Advice; or else to take it upon himself altogether. XXV. The Masters of Lodges shall each appoint
one experienced and
discreet Fellow-Craft of his Lodge, to compose a Committee, consisting
of one
from every Lodge, who shall meet to receive, in a convenient Apartment,
Person that brings a Ticket, and shall have Power to discourse him, if
think fit, in order to admit him or debar him, as they shall see cause;
Provided they send no Man away before they have acquainted all the
within Doors with the Reasons thereof, to avoid Mistakes, that so no
Brother may be debarr'd, nor a false Brother, or more Pretender,
admitted. This
Committee must meet very early on St. John's Day at the Place, even
before any
Person come with Tickets. XXVI. The Grand Master shall appoint two or
more trusty Brethren to be
Porters or Door-Keepers, who are also to be early at the Place, for
some good
Reasons; and who are to be at the Command of the Committee. XXVII. The Grand Wardens, or the Stewards,
shall appoint before hand
such a Number of Brethren to serve at Table as they think fit and
proper for
that Work; and they may advise with the Masters and Wardens of Lodges
about the
most proper Persons, if they please, or may take in such by their
for none are to serve that Day but free and accepted Masons, that the
Communication may be free and harmonious. XXVIII. All the Members of the Grand Lodge must
be at the Place long
before Dinner, with the Grand Master or his Deputy at their Head, who
retire and form themselves. And this is done in order: 1. To receive any Appeals duly
lodg’d, as above regulated, that the
appellant may be heard, and the Affair may be amicably decided before
if possible; but if it cannot, it must be delay'd till after the new
Master is elected; and if it cannot be decided after Dinner, it may be
and referr'd to a particular Committee, that shall quietly adjust it,
and make
Report to the next Quarterly Communication, that Brotherly Love may be
preserved. 2. To prevent any Difference or Disgust which
may be feared to arise
that Day; that no Interruption maybe given to the Harmony and Pleasure
of the
Grand Feast. 3. To consult about whatever concerns the
Decency and Decorum of the Grand
Assembly, and to prevent all Indecency and ill Manners, the Assembly
promiscuous. 4. To receive and consider of any good Motion,
or any momentous and
important Affair, that shall be brought from the particular Lodges, by
Representatives, the several Masters and Wardens. XXIX. After these things are discuss'd, the
Grand Master and his Deputy,
the Grand Wardens, or the Stewards, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the
and every other Person shall withdraw, and leave the Masters and
Wardens of the
Particular Lodges alone, in, order to consult amicably about electing a
Grand Master, or continuing the present, if they have not done it the
before; and if they are unanimous for continuing the present Grand
Master, his
Worship shall be call’d in, and humbly desir’d to
do the Fraternity the Honour
of ruling them for the Year ensuing. And after Dinner it will be known
he accept of it or not: For it should not be discovered but by the
itself. XXX. Then the Master and Wardens and all the
Brethren, may converse
promiscuously, or as they please to sort together, until the Dinner is
in, when every Brother takes his Seat at the Table. XXXI. Some time after Dinner the Grand Lodge is
form'd, not in
Retirement, but in the Presence of all the Brethren, who yet are not
Members of
it, and must not therefore speak until they are desir’d and
allowed. XXXII. If the Grand Master of last Year has
consented with the Masters
and Wardens in private, before Dinner, to continue for the Year
ensuing; then
one of the Grand Lodge, deputed for that Purpose, shall represent to
all the
Brethren his Worship's good Government, &c. And turning to him,
shall, in
the name of the Grand Lodge, humbly request him to do the Fraternity
the great
Honour (if nobly born, if not) the great Kindness, of continuing to be
Grand Master for the Year ensuing. And his Worship declaring his
consent by a
Bow or a Speech, as he pleases, the said deputed Member of the Grand
shall proclaim him Grand Master, and all the Members of the Lodge shall
him in due Form. And all the Brethren shall for a few minutes have
leave to
declare their Satisfaction, Pleasure and Congratulation. XXXIII. But if either the Masters and Wardens
have not in private, this
Day before Dinner, nor the Day before, desir’d the last Grand
Master to
continue in the Mastership another Year, or if he, when
desir’d, has not
consented: Then, The last Grand Master shall nominate his
Successor for the year ensuing,
who, if unanimously approv’d by the Grand Lodge and if there
present, shall be
proclaim‘d, saluted, and congratulated, the new Grand Master
as above hinted,
and immediately installed by the last Grand Master, according to Usage.
XXXIV. But if that Nomination is not
unanimously approv'd, the new Grand
Master shall be chosen immediately by Ballot, every Master and Warden
his Man's name, and the last Grand Master writing his Man's Name too;
and the
Man whose name the last Grand Master shall first take out, casually or
by chance,
shall be Grand Master for the Year ensuing; and if present, he shall be
proclaim'd, saluted, and congratulated, as above hinted, and forthwith
installed by the last Grand Master, according to Usage. XXXV. The last Grand Master thus continued, or
the New Grand Master thus
installed, shall next nominate and appoint his Deputy Grand Master,
either the
last or a new one, who shall be also declar’d, saluted, and
congratulated as
above hinted. The Grand Master shall also nominate the new
Grand Wardens, and if
unanimously approv’d by the Grand Lodge, shall be
declar’d, saluted, and
congratulated, as above hinted; but if not, they shall be chosen by
Ballot, in
the same way as the Grand Master: And the Wardens of private Lodges are
also to
be chosen by Ballot in each Lodge, if the Members thereof do not agree
to their
Master's Nomination. XXXVI. But If the Brother, whom the present
Grand Master shall nominate
for his Successor, or whom the Majority of the Grand Lodge shall happen
chuse by Ballot is, by sickness, or other necessary Occasion, absent
from the
Grand Feast, he cannot be proclaimed the New Grand Master, unless the
old Grand
Master, or some of the Masters and Wardens of the Grand Lodge can
vouch, upon
the Honour of a Brother, that the said Person, so nominated or chosen,
readily accept of the said Office; in which case the old Grand Master
shall act
as Proxy, and shall nominate the Deputy and Wardens in his Name, and in
name also receive the usual Honours. Homage, and Congratulation. XXXVII. Then the Grand Master shall allow any
Brother, Fellow-Craft, or
Apprentice to speak, Directing his Discourse to his Worship; or to make
motion for the good of the Fraternity, which shall be either
consider’d and finish’d, or also referr'd to the
Consideration of the Grand
Lodge at their next communication, stated or occasional. When that is
over. XXXVIII. The Grand Master or his Deputy, or
some Brother appointed by
him, shall harangue all the Brethren, and give them good Advice: And
after some other Transactions, that cannot be written in any language,
Brethren may go away or stay longer, as they please. XXXIX. Every Annual Grand Lodge has an inherent
Power and Authority to
make new Regulations, or to alter these, for the real Benefits of this
Fraternity: Provided always that the old Land Marks be carefully
preserv’d, and
that such Alterations and new Regulations be proposed and agreed to at
third Quarterly Communication preceding the Annual Grand Feast, and
that they
be offered also to the Perusal of all the Brethren before Dinner, in
even of the youngest Apprentice, the Approbation and Consent of the
Majority of
all the Brethren present being absolutely necessary to make the same
and obligatory; which must, after Dinner and after the new Grand Master
install’d, be solemnly desir’d; as it was
desir’d and obtained for these
Regulations, when propos'd by the Grand Lodge, to about 150 Brethren on
John Baptist's Day, 1721. |
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